Sexy Crochet

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It’s been such a beautiful sunny and warm day here in Colorado that I had to take a short break from tech editing indoors, stuck in front of a computer. I grabbed my Sexy yarn from the Buffalo Wool Company, … Continued

Blog Catch-Up

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Oh, boy, I’ve been sooooo busy over the last couple of months that my poor blog has suffered substantially. 🙁 Well, here we go with my catch-up blog entries. I will start with the most up-to-date happenings and start back … Continued

Busy Late Summer

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After a nice, slow-paced summer with short trips here and there, lots of family and friends time, and finally some hot summer weather, my soul had a chance to refuel and the batteries were recharged to tackle the fast approaching … Continued

High Time For a Blog

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Welcome to my blog about all the different crafts that I love and learn. I am a mulit-crafter which seems to be a somewhat dying breed these days. It’s not that I set out with a plan to become a … Continued