Boy, I’ve been busy with so many things and always for others that I’ve finally told myself, “Time Out! My turn.”
I’ve noticed in horror that my wardrobe doesn’t sport any knit jacket or vest! Everybody around me is sporting my knit or crochet garmets or accessories! What about myself?!
And then the trouble began… what to knit for myself. The type was decided: Jacket for everyday wear. But what style and pattern?… There are so many choices or as you say in German: “Die Qual der Wahl” (the pain of choice).
It needed to be quick and easy but as always with a new aspect to broaden my horizon. I think I found a nice pattern on Ravelry by Debbie Bliss, titled “Cable and Rib Jacket”. I always wanted to do some cabeling and a zipper jacket or sweater.
I had some Lion Brand Fisherman’s Wool sitting in the closet waiting for its turn for quite some time now. This would be the right kind of project to get a feel for this wool. And indeed it is knitting up really nicely. And what a bargain too at $8.95/skein (100% pure virgin wool; 465 yd/425 m; 8 oz/227 g)!
Ahh, it feels great to work on something for myself.
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